
Why Join?

Being hired into a union represented position does not automatically make you a union member. Sign a membership card to become a member and take advantage of all member benefits today.

Click here to join now!

Benefits of Membership

Why Join

Simply talking about issues that affect public service employees isn’t enough. To make a difference, our voices must be heard. And we can be heard only when we organize as a union and gain the strength to make real change. Together, our collective voice is heard — on the job, in bargaining, and in state and local legislatures.

Livable Wages

Workers who are union members earn 11.2 percent more than non-union workers. Black, Latino, and women workers represented by unions earn 26%, 39.2%, and 23.8% more, respectively, than their non-union counterparts. 

Better Benefits

Union workers are more likely than their non-union counterparts to receive health care and pension benefits. 96% of union members are covered by health insurance and have a pension plan compared to 69% of those not in a union.

Revised 11/16/23. Source: AFL-CIO

AFSCME Retirees

Oregon AFSCME Chapter 75 Retirees invites all Local 88 retirees to join us.

We have the right to a secure and dignified retirement. Public employees, our pensions and our health care are under attack from those who would strip us of our hard-earned and contractual benefits. The best way to defend our benefits is to join together to make our voices heard!

If you’d like more information or just have questions, we’d love to hear from you at [email protected].

With an outpouring of support from parents, employees, legislators, city council members, students, unions and community, it is clear: We cannot back down till Everett Community College leadership completely scraps the plan to replace the ELC with a limited-service daycare.

Send a letter to EvCC President Daria Willis and the college's Board of Trustees—and make sure your neighbors, coworkers, and fellow parents join you.

As union members, we're stronger together. Union membership equals fair pay, affordable healthcare, and a secure retirement.